Workforce and Education
Our ambition is to develop and grow the cancer workforce in Greater Manchester to ensure the workforce is representative, inclusive, and supported to respond to the needs of people affected by cancer, by adapting to new, improved ways of working, and embrace innovation and technology to deliver the best quality healthcare
Our Strategic Pillars
To achieve this one cancer workforce ambition and support the workforce to work both horizontally across place and vertically across the different sectors, some of our key pieces of work include:
- Explore digital solutions to enable greater connectivity across the system to provide communities of practice, promote peer to peer support / sharing of best practice.
- Pilot and evaluate blended roles in cancer care, including blended clinical and operational roles
- Build on existing new roles that have been piloted, to expand to other professional groups or to scale and spread across the system
- Pilot Cancer fellowship programmes across primary and secondary care
- Explore innovative / integrated workforce solutions to support the delivery of the Best Practice Timed Pathways (BPTP) in order to achieve the Faster Diagnosis Standard and provide seamless personalised care for cancer patients
- Rollout non-medical referral training for Practice Nurses and other professional groups where appropriate.
Growing the workforce to keep pace with the growing demand for cancer services is essential to addressing the cancer workforce crisis, however, ensuring the current workforce has opportunities for personal development is equally as important if we want people to stay. Key pieces of work have been established to address the following:
Attract new health and care staff through innovative ways:
- Work with other professional groups to support promotional campaigns to raise the profile of careers in cancer
- Make links with GM Access and Step ahead programmes to promote future careers in cancer
- Link in with education providers (Higher Education Institutes, Colleges, and Schools) to: Raise the profile of a career in cancer, Building on the digital clinical placement expansion programme, establish cancer placement pathways for student nurses and AHPs, as part of the Targeted Practice Education Programme, Influence curriculum development.
- Optimise use of the apprenticeship levy to support routes into the cancer workforce
- Promote using the ACCEND framework to support the development of generalists who have an interest in a career in cancer
- Explore the development of additional ‘Aspiring’ Cancer Clinical pathways.
- Promote inclusive recruitment through the workforce EDI programme
- Promote ICP offers related to good employment
- Targeted project to scope and promote the role of the Advanced Clinical Practitioner in cancer
Recruit more people into cancer by developing clear routes into professions and opportunities for generalist roles:
- Promote and coordinate the ACCEND training programmes to upskill aspiring cancer support workers / nurses / AHPs to support future recruitment
- Align with the GM Retention Strategy and support planned activity led by the ICP
- Collaborate with the GM NHS Integrated Care Virtual Workforce Information System (VWIS) team to collate system wide cancer workforce data, including retention data, surgical audit, and Medical & Clinical Oncology workforce review
- Conduct a gap analysis for research nurses to understand recruitment and retention issues, overlaid with research offer and patient uptake
- Support implementation of the ACCEND capability framework to promote retention through continuous professional development
- In alignment with ACCEND, support the implementation of the National Acute
- Oncology competency passports to upskill all relevant workforce groups working across primary and secondary care
- Building on the national Preceptorship and Legacy mentoring programmes, pilot an approach to retaining the cancer workforce throughout their career trajectory
- Work with pathway boards to pilot an approach to defining safe caseloads for the CNS’ workforce including a review of current skill mix models, to inform workforce modelling
Retain the cancer workforce by providing support / mentorship, investing in education and providing opportunities for lifelong learning:
- Align with the GM Retention Strategy and support planned activity led by the ICP
- Collaborate with the GM NHS Integrated Care Virtual Workforce Information System (VWIS) team to collate system wide cancer workforce data, including retention data, surgical audit, and Medical & Clinical Oncology workforce review.
- Support implementation of the ACCEND capability framework to promote retention through continuous professional development
- In alignment with ACCEND, support the implementation of the National Acute Oncology competency passports to upskill all relevant workforce groups working across primary and secondary care
- Expand the GM Cancer Academy to ensure it acts as a single point of access for all cancer education with an established Cancer Academy Faculty of subject matter experts to support the development and delivery of education
- Promote existing health and wellbeing offers to the cancer workforce through a dedicated directory on the GM Cancer website and work with the ICB People and Culture Function to measure the uptake and impact of current wellbeing offers specifically within the cancer workforce
- Utilise and expand Cancer Workforce Days to provide an opportunity to celebrate the workforce, promote joint identity, and ensure the workforce feel valued
- Promote a lifelong learning culture through The GM Cancer Academy and Education Collaborative by influencing the system to ensure all health and care staff have protected time for education and training
- Explore current offers to support staff who are carers, to promote their wellbeing and ensure their needs are being met.
One of the key ambitions in the NHS People Plan is ‘Belonging to the NHS’ focusing on inclusion and reducing inequalities within the workforce. It cites strong evidence for promoting an NHS workforce representative of the community that it serves, as findings suggest patient care and the overall patient experience is more personalised and patients have better outcomes.
The GM Cancer Alliance Workforce and Education Team has established a system-wide Cancer Workforce Inequalities Working Group, which will work collaboratively with the ICB Health Equity Team, feeds directly into the GM Cancer Health Inequalities Board as an active subgroup and forms part of the GM Cancer Tackling Health Inequalities Strategy.
Inequalities will be a cross cutting theme across all strategic activity, supported through a programme Equality Impact Assessment (EIA) in addition to project specific EIAs. There will also be a dedicated EDI workforce programme, which we anticipate will evolve significantly during the next 12 months as the ICP EDI function matures.
Initial activity includes:
Increasing Diversity Within the Cancer Workforce
- Following successful launch of Tableau Cancer Clinical Nurse Specialist Data Dashboard, continue to work with the GM Virtual Workforce Information System (VWIS) to develop a data dashboard for the Cancer Support Worker workforce for use across GM to inform initiatives and measure impact
- Expanding the Aspiring CNS Programme with International Nurses across two Provider Trusts to upskill the registered workforce and assess usability and functionality of the ACCEND Framework
- Work with HR and Resourcing Teams to pilot inclusive recruitment interventions to attract diverse candidates and get the best out of the recruitment process
- Work with GM Cancer pathway boards to ensure diverse and inclusive representation from the different professional groups
- Explore a Healthcare Volunteer to Paid Employment Infrastructure
Greater Manchester Cancer Workforce Health Messaging
- Work in collaboration with key partners and the Greater Manchester Cancer Early Diagnosis programme to promote and encourage the cancer workforce to live well, for example, the NHS Staff Stop Smoking Offer and Health & Wellbeing Resources
- Increase the number of GM NHS Organisations to pledge their support for the Answer Cancer ‘Bee Seen, Get Screened’ campaign
Tackling Inequalities Training
- Develop and deliver education which encourages cultural competence supporting the workforce to effectively interact with people across diverse cultures and backgrounds
Our vision is to support the development of a sustainable lifelong learning model for cancer care across all care settings. We want to ensure that our workforce is equipped with the skills and tools necessary to deliver the best patient care. In order to reduce variation in cancer care, we want to make sure there is no inequity around accessing education.
Programme Governance
There is an established workforce and education programme board with a representative membership that meet bi-monthly to provide overarching governance for strategic delivery and reporting. The below infographic demonstrates the governance for strategic delivery and reporting, to view this infographic full size please click the image below.
Our People
Hi I’m Suzanne, the Programme Director for the Workforce and Education Programme at Greater Manchester Cancer Alliance, leading the delivery of the GM Cancer Workforce and Education strategy. I work with key stakeholders regionally and nationally to ensure Greater Manchester has a sustainable supply of medical and non-medical workforce to deliver safe and effective care for cancer patients. The strategy aspires to embed a one workforce model for cancer, focusing on transforming the workforce through the introduction of new roles, new ways of working, and most importantly ensuring the workforce is supported through training and education. I have led several regional and national workforce transformational programmes including one of the workstreams in the National ACCEND programme, first pilot of the role of the Physician Associate within cancer pathways, National Cancer CNS Day, Greater Manchester Cancer Academy just to name a few. Suzanne has also worked at The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence working with Arm’s-Length Bodies to influence policy to improve provision of Health and Social Care.
My name is Jess and I am the Programme Lead for Workforce & Education, leading and supporting the team to deliver our programme of work. I lead specific pieces of work including MDT Reform, the Digital Staff Passport, and an Equality, Diversity and Inclusion programme to reduce inequalities within the Greater Manchester Cancer Workforce.
My name is Molly and I’m the Senior Programme Lead for Education, heading up the GM Cancer Academy. I work across all care settings to improve access to cancer education to improve patient care, but also empower the workforce to take control of their own learning. As part of my role I chair the committee for the flagship Greater Manchester Cancer Conference.
My name is Claire Clarkson and I am a cancer workforce and education project manager within the team and leading on different various project linked to our workforce and education strategy. The current projects I am involved include ACCEND, Targeted Practice Education Programme (TPEP), GM PECE, Non-medical referrer training and I also work closely with our local cancer clinical nurse specialist groups ensuring our projects are workforce led.
My name is Louise, I have been working at GM Cancer Alliance for nearly two years and lead the Cancer Support Worker Pilot across Primary Care Networks in GM. Previously, I led workforce projects including Multidisciplinary Team Reform and developing educational e-learning to support and upskill the workforce.
My background is a qualified Senior Therapeutic Radiographer with experience working in across the UK. I have a passion for personalised care and supporting patients through their cancer journey.
Hi my name is Siobhan, I joined the Workforce & Education team in Oct 2021 as a Project Support Officer. My role is to support the needs of the full team from assisting on projects, arranging meetings and helping plan events. I am assisting on current projects and hope to develop my project management skills in this role.
Hi my name is Sam I’ve been part of the NHS since January 2020 working across Manchester with the Manchester Foundation Trust (MFT) and The Christie Foundation. I’m currently an Assistant Project Manager at the GM Cancer Alliance, Workforce & Education team, working on the Cancer Support Worker Pilot. My background and expertise cover data management where I am assisting the team in different projects and pathway boards. I have also taken an interest in the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) team within the alliance developing my awareness and knowledge further.
My name is Gina and I’m the Acute Oncology Education Project Manager working on a national project creating and piloting Acute Oncology Competence Assessment Passports across four levels of practice. I also work within the Cancer Academy Team as Clinical Practice Educator using my clinical background as an oncology nurse to support development of tumour group specific adaptations of the ACCEND framework amongst other educational projects.
Hi, I’m Ellen, the Education Programme Support Officer for the Greater Manchester Cancer Academy. I graduated from Manchester Metropolitan University with a BA (Hons) in Event Management. I recently started with the alliance and will be supporting the delivery of projects such as Psychological Level 2 and the Cancer Academy Skills Labs. Prior to joining the alliance I worked within The School of Oncology supporting the delivery of various educational programmes and leading the marketing of the educational offerings.
My name is Sophie and I am the Team Administrator for Workforce and Education, I provide administrative support across the team as well as creating and posting social media content and helping to produce the monthly team newsletter.
My name is Jack Quinn, I am a workforce and education project manager within the team and lead on various projects that align to our workforce and education strategy. The current projects I am involved in include the Physician Associate Boundary Spanning Pilot within primary and secondary care, conducting a workforce gap analysis for research nurses. I am also working on projects that help to raise the profile of a career in cancer working with partner organisations such as HEIs and Colleges to attract more staff into careers in cancer.
My name is Tilly and I’m the Cancer Academy Education and Marketing Coordinator. I support the team in the organisation of all Academy events and the creation of social content. I graduated from Manchester Metropolitan University in 2022 with a BA in International Business and Marketing before joining The Christie School of Oncology where I assisted with a variety of educational programmes and events.
Our monthly newsletter is a roundup of everything workforce and education, take a look at our latest issue.
Here’s our most recent newsletter which has everything you need to stay up to date with the workforce and education team