Introducing the programmes of work
As well as the work done by our pathway boards, there are a number of cross cutting programmes of work taking place. You can find out more about some of this work within this section of the website.
Workforce and Education
The vision of the Greater Manchester Cancer Alliance workforce and education programme is to develop and grow the cancer workforce in Greater Manchester and East Cheshire so that they can respond to the needs of people affected by cancer, adapt to new, improved ways of working, continue to modernise the way they work and embrace technology in order to deliver world class cancer care. You can find out how this is happening here.
Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement
We involve patients, members of the public, and diverse communities in our work because we understand the value that it brings.
This ensures that our services are designed with and for the people that they serve.
Other work programmes
You can also find out more about other work being done within the Greater Manchester Cancer Alliance.