Our Cancer Alliance aims to improve the lives of people affected by cancer in Greater Manchester.

We are one of 20 Cancer Alliances across NHS England.

We want more people than ever to reduce their risk of developing cancer, and for those who do go on to develop cancer, we want to improve their survival outcomes and experiences.

We work in collaboration with organisations across our region to help people get diagnosed earlier, provide better treatment and support people to live well with and beyond cancer.

This Van Can logoThis Van Can

“This Van Can” has taken a number of cancer awareness roadshows across Greater Manchester, delivering key messages about signs and symptoms, risk factors and screening for different cancer types.

Picture showing some examples of campaigns from the cancer alliance.

Campaign Resource Centre

Our campaign resource centre houses our public facing campaigns, and is updated regularly. You can find and download assets within this section.

Get involved

Find out about opportunities for patient and carer representatives, VCSE organisations and more to get involved with our work


Listen to the latest episodes of the Greater Manchester Cancer podcast to keep up to date on all the fantastic work going on

Contact us

If you need to contact the Greater Manchester Cancer Alliance, please visit the contact section to find the best person to help.

Primary Care

This website contains a wealth of resources for primary care professionals, for all cancer types. Please visit the early diagnosis and primary care page to find out more.

Our pathway boards

Each cancer type is represented by a pathway board.  Our pathway boards in Greater Manchester Cancer lead a number of workstreams aimed at improving the patient pathway, experience and outcomes.

Each board has a Clinical Lead at the helm, and comprises of a wide range of stakeholders with expertise from across the pathway, who can challenge, advise and work together to progress each project and implement them effectively across the Greater Manchester healthcare system.

Find out more about our pathway boards >>>

Programmes of work

As well as the work done by our pathway boards, there are a number of cross cutting programmes of work taking place. These programmes of work include early diagnosis and primary care, faster diagnosis, treatment and personalised care, and a workforce and education programme.

We involve patients and carers, members of the public and diverse communities in our work, so we can ensure that our services are designed with and for the people that they serve.

Find out more about our programmes of work >>>

Our cancer alliance

Our cancer alliance brings together clinical and managerial leaders from all hospital trusts and other health and care organisations across the entire region, alongside user involvement representatives and other partners. Working in partnership enables care to be effectively planned across all parts of our cancer pathways.

By bringing together world-class researchers, clinicians and operational delivery, we have a unique opportunity to improve the lives of people affected by cancer in our region.

Find out more about the cancer alliance >>>

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