Workforce Integration
1 in 2 people are predicted to receive a diagnosis of cancer within their lifetime and so there is a need to upskill the whole of the health and care workforce to ensure Greater Manchester achieves the long-term plan ambition of earlier diagnosis and personalised care for cancer patients.
Prioritised Activity
To achieve this one cancer workforce ambition and support the workforce to work both horizontally across place and vertically across the different sectors, the following activity will be prioritised:
Explore digital solutions to enable greater connectivity across the system to provide communities of practice, promote peer to peer support / sharing of best practice.
Develop an ePortfolio through the GM Cancer Academy, driven by the need to be able to provide healthcare professionals with a ‘one stop’ facility to house CPD, provide career guidance and direction and support appraisal targets and revalidation evidence that links to certified education content and centred around the levels of practice in the national ACCEND framework.
Promote the use / integration of the various digital solutions currently on offer to enable the cancer workforce to move around the system
Build on existing new roles that have been piloted, to expand to other professional groups or to scale and spread across the system:
• Physician Associates in Cancer
• Primary care extended roles / specialist interest in cancer
• Cancer Care Coordinator pilot in Primary care Networks
Provide a mutually beneficial model for cross system working bringing together generalist and specialist roles, including mentoring and coaching.
Pilot Cancer fellowship programmes across primary and secondary care:
• link in with the Primary Care GP and Nurse Fellowship programmes to support early diagnosis, education, and personalised care for cancer patients,
• explore fellowship programmes for the medical workforce
Support the provision of integrated education available to all sectors through the Cancer Academy, including the development of bespoke early diagnosis development packages for all health and care staff.
Expand the Cancer Academy skills lab programme to support staff working across different sectors to support cancer patients including Social Care, and Mental Health professionals.
Our Activity
We are pleased to introduce The GM Cancer Academy Professional Development Platform, driven by the need to be able to:
- Provide healthcare professionals with a ‘one stop’ facility to house CPD
- Provide career guidance and direction
- Support appraisal targets and revalidation evidence
- Link to external certified education content and platforms
- Provide evidential reports to demonstrate completed / on-going development and any gaps
The ePortfolio is centered around the levels of practice in the national ACCEND framework.
As well as hosting the core capability framework, it boasts speciality-specific variations for each cancer pathway.
We understand the diversity in how people learn – however, some techniques can only be truly mastered through hand-on practice in a structured and controlled settings. This principle extends beyond core clinical skills, encompassing a broader spectrum of competencies and capabilities.
Workforce need is currently being assessed across primary, community and social care in relation to stoma care, nephrostomies and blocked feeding tubes.
Our Vaginal Examination skills lab is in development and will be open to all Practice Nurses in due course.
We are also working closely with our colleagues in social care, and from April 2024 will be piloting a controlled clinical skills programme in care homes, specifically focusing on catheterisation and venepuncture.
For more information on skills labs, register on the GM Cancer Academy website:
Cancer Care Co-Ordinator Pilot
The Cancer Care Coordinator (CCC) role has significantly increased the number of Cancer Care Reviews (CCRs) completed, reduced variation in CCR quality, improved primary care workforce satisfaction and achieved high patient satisfaction. In some PCNs where further data was collected, there is evidence to support a reduction in follow-up appointments and unscheduled GP visits, and additional activity taken on by the CCCs has supported screening uptake numbers and early diagnosis. This workforce model demonstrates clear value and effectiveness, which has seen wider adoption Regionally and Nationally, led by the innovation within Greater Manchester.
- Recruit nine CCCs in nine different PCNs across GM including Tameside, Oldham, Stockport, Salford and Bury.
- Support the delivery of the Comprehensive Model of Personalised Care
- Provide a safety netting role for patients
- Meeting targets set out in the NHS Long Term plan / Quality and Outcome Framework (QOF)
Pilot goals and targets included:
- Increasing the number and standardising the quality of Cancer Care Reviews (CCRs), a holistic conversation 6-12months after a cancer diagnosis.
- Improving QOF Indicators, a pay performance scheme in Primary Care
- Reducing workload for staff in Primary Care by increasing capacity, and therefore improving staff satisfaction.
- Improving patient satisfaction and supporting patients to self-manage their conditions by holistically supporting patients through conducting CCRs, being a single point of contact and signposting patients to relevant services.
- Improving connectivity with other services in the community by increasing the number of Social Prescribing Link Worker (SPLW) referrals.
- Working with PCNs to support streamlining and efficiency of systems for monitoring when CCRs require completion as previously there was no system for supporting this.
Physician Associate Blended Role Pilot
We’re always looking for new and innovative ways to improve healthcare delivery. The success of Physician Associate (PA) roles within secondary care services have paved the way for a new boundary-spanning PA role in collaboration with Oldham Central Primary Care Network and Northern Care Alliance.
Funded by Health Education England, this exciting role will ensure seamless patient care across both primary and secondary care settings. The PA will specialize in Urology and split their time equally between the two environments.
The PA has already been in their blended role for a few months and has embraced its dynamic nature. Within the Oldham Primary Care Network, the PA has supported and shadowed their GP supervisor and will receive more opportunities for indirect supervision as their knowledge and confidence grow.
Leveraging their growing urological expertise from their work at Salford Royal, the PA will enhance the management of patients with urological conditions, including urological cancers, in primary care.
We are gathering baseline data on the PA’s duties and activities through a logbook and are also collecting other baseline workforce data to assess colleagues’ perceptions of the role.
We are excited to keep you updated on the progress of this innovative role.
Cancer Care Coordinator Pilot
The Cancer Care Coordinator (CCC) role has significantly increased the number of Cancer Care Reviews (CCRs) completed, reduced variation in CCR quality, improved primary care workforce satisfaction and achieved high patient satisfaction. In some PCNs where further data was collected, there is evidence to support a reduction in follow-up appointments and unscheduled GP visits, and additional activity taken on by the CCCs has supported screening uptake numbers and early diagnosis. This workforce model demonstrates clear value and effectiveness, which has seen wider adoption Regionally and Nationally, led by the innovation within Greater Manchester.
- Recruit nine CCCs in nine different PCNs across GM including Tameside, Oldham, Stockport, Salford and Bury.
- Support the delivery of the Comprehensive Model of Personalised Care
- Provide a safety netting role for patients
- Meeting targets set out in the NHS Long Term plan / Quality and Outcome Framework (QOF)
Pilot goals and targets included:
- Increasing the number and standardising the quality of Cancer Care Reviews (CCRs), a holistic conversation 6-12months after a cancer diagnosis.
- Improving QOF Indicators, a pay performance scheme in Primary Care
- Reducing workload for staff in Primary Care by increasing capacity, and therefore improving staff satisfaction.
- Improving patient satisfaction and supporting patients to self-manage their conditions by holistically supporting patients through conducting CCRs, being a single point of contact and signposting patients to relevant services.
- Improving connectivity with other services in the community by increasing the number of Social Prescribing Link Worker (SPLW) referrals.
- Working with PCNs to support streamlining and efficiency of systems for monitoring when CCRs require completion as previously there was no system for supporting this.
Physician Associate Blended Role Pilot
We’re always looking for new and innovative ways to improve healthcare delivery. The success of Physician Associate (PA) roles within secondary care services have paved the way for a new boundary-spanning PA role in collaboration with Oldham Central Primary Care Network and Northern Care Alliance.
Funded by Health Education England, this exciting role will ensure seamless patient care across both primary and secondary care settings. The PA will specialize in Urology and split their time equally between the two environments.
The PA has already been in their blended role for a few months and has embraced its dynamic nature. Within the Oldham Primary Care Network, the PA has supported and shadowed their GP supervisor and will receive more opportunities for indirect supervision as their knowledge and confidence grow.
Leveraging their growing urological expertise from their work at Salford Royal, the PA will enhance the management of patients with urological conditions, including urological cancers, in primary care.
We are gathering baseline data on the PA’s duties and activities through a logbook and are also collecting other baseline workforce data to assess colleagues’ perceptions of the role.
We are excited to keep you updated on the progress of this innovative role.
GM Macmillan Cancer Support Worker Summit 2023
The first GM Macmillan Cancer Support Worker Summit was held on 19th October to support bridging the gap between primary and secondary care and build communication channels. The event held sessions discussing the evolution of the CSW role, training and education and a workshop to build on improving communication, leadership and patient centred care. This was a huge success with over 80 delegates attending and participants scoring the event 5 out of 5!
Award Winning Projects
The Cancer Support Worker Pilot won the Macmillan Professionals Quality Improvement Excellence award on 9th November 2023, recognising the hard work and achievements of the Cancer Care Coordinators and the project team. The Macmillan conference and awards evening was a fantastic opportunity to build new networks, discuss innovative ideas and celebrate the success of all nominees.