Head and Neck Pathway Board
Key People
Dr David Thomson
David Thomson qualified from Oxford University Medical School in 2004 with a First Class honours degree. During his postgraduate medical training he undertook a research Fellowship at the University of Manchester with attachment to the University of Pennsylvania, and was awarded a Doctor of Medicine (MD) higher research degree in 2015. He also has an interest in medical education and completed a Postgraduate Certificate in Medical Education with Distinction (Edge Hill University, 2014). Dr Thomson was appointed Consultant Clinical Oncologist at The Christie (2015) and Honorary Senior Lecturer at The University of Manchester, specialising in the treatment of head and neck cancer.
As the Clinical Director of the Greater Manchester Head and Neck Cancer Pathway Board, he is passionate about improving the survival outcomes and long-term quality of life for patients. Dr Thomson is actively involved in clinical research and is Chief Investigator for the UK phase 3 NIMRAD trial (assessing the benefit of hypoxia modification using nimorazole with radiotherapy for head and neck cancer), Chief Investigator for the UK phase 3 TORPEdO trial (assessing benefit of proton beam therapy to reduce side effects in the treatment of oropharyngeal cancer), and Principal Investigator for a number of NCRI portfolio studies. He is Proton Beam Therapy National Policy Lead and National Panel Member for Head and Neck Cancer. Dr Thomson is also the clinical lead for the implementation of electronic patient reported outcomes in head and neck cancer at The Christie.
Jennie Roche
Jennie started her career in a clinical role, as an Allied Health Professional providing secondary care. Her career then developed to leading service development in different trusts across Greater Manchester, including Tameside and Glossop Integrated Care and Manchester University Foundation Trust Jennie has worked in the NHS for over ten years and brings wide range of experience of managing health projects and frontline care.
Jennie facilitates three pathway boards to deliver system wide improvements to cancer pathways and patient care, including Gynaecology, Haematology and Head and Neck. The boards offer an objective and collaborative approach to service improvement and bring together stakeholders from across Greater Manchester to create an engaged, multidisciplinary board which is representative of the whole patient pathway.
Head and Neck Pathway Board Document Library
Please visit the suspected cancer referral form page to find the most up to date referral forms for all cancer types.
Greater Manchester Cancer Head and Neck Symposium 2022
The presentations from the 2022 Head and Neck Symposium, which took place in November 2022, can be found below. If you require any of the information in an alternative format, please contact gmcancer.admin@nhs.net who will be able to help you.