Breast Cancer Genetic Testing Pathway
The NHS has a national genomic laboratory service delivered through 7 regional Genomic Laboratory Hubs (GLH) which supports the delivery of the National Genomic Test Directory. This network improves standardisation of genomic testing and ensures equity of access for patients diagnosed with cancer in Greater Manchester.
The National Genomic Test Directory for solid tumours and rare/inherited disease went live on the 1st April 2021. The directory specifies which genomic tests are commissioned by the NHS in England, the technology by which they are available, and the patients who will be eligible to access a test.
You can find the directories here:
Following the National Test Directory criteria, local multidisciplinary teams are now able to request genetic testing for eligible patients diagnosed with breast cancer. This enables quicker diagnosis for patients and supports timely treatment planning.
This toolkit has been developed as a regional protocol to support local teams to request genetic testing. Click the links below to access these documents. The latest versions of the documents will be available on this page.
Implementation Toolkit
This toolkit has been developed as a regional protocol to support the implementation of the new process. Click the links below to access these documents. The latest versions of the documents will be available here.
Patient Education Video
This video has been co-produced by service user representatives as an additional support tool for patients eligible for genetic testing and their families. Patients are also able to access this video on Greater Manchester Cancer’s Youtube channel.
Clinical Team Education Video
This video has been designed to support clinical teams as they develop confidence in speaking to their patients about genetic testing, including discussing consent. The video contains a simulated consultation to support clinical teams.
These videos have been made to support the implementation of the genetic testing pathway. The videos were made in 2021, therefore, please ensure you check the toolkit above and current National Test Directory to confirm all genes currently tested.
This suite of resources has been prepared in collaboration between the Greater Manchester Cancer Breast Pathway Board, the Genomic Laboratory Hub and Service User Representatives. For further information or questions regarding this pathway or the resources available, please contact Claire Goldrick, Breast Cancer Pathway Manager.