Sarcoma Pathway Board
Key People
Mr Amit Kumar
He is a member of the Greater Manchester & Oswestry Sarcoma Service and main interest is soft tissue sarcomas and metastatic disease. HIs goals as pathway director are to improve outcomes in Sarcoma patients and increase awareness for the Greater Manchester population.
Louise Farnworth
Louise is the pathway manager for Acute Oncology, HPB and Sarcoma. The boards offer an objective and collaborative approach to service improvement and bring together stakeholders from across Greater Manchester to create an engaged, multidisciplinary board which is representative of the whole patient pathway.
Louise started working for Greater Manchester Cancer Alliance in November 2023.
Prior to working at Greater Manchester Cancer Alliance Louise started her NHS career as an operational manager for surgical services and medicine services at both Salford Royal and East Cheshire Trust. She developed a wide range of knowledge and experience in frontline management.
Most recently Louise worked for Trafford Council as a commissioning Manager for Children and Young Peoples Mental Health. During this role Louise developed a passion for system wide working in order to reduce health inequalities and ensure equal access to treatment for all patients and families.
Sarcoma pathway board document library
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Please visit the suspected cancer referral form page to find the most up to date referral forms for all cancer types.