GatewayC Live webinar and resources
Healthcare professionals working in Greater Manchester can benefit (for free) from GatewayC Live webinars developed by and featuring leading specialists. This webinar provides information on Renal, Bladder and Testicular cancer.
Visit GatewayC to view the webinar.
Alternatively, you can view some of the short video extracts below.
Renal, Bladder & Testicular Cancer Symptoms
Think A-G
Prostate Cancer
Think A-G

Renal, Bladder & Testicular Cancers
Think A-G

Greater Manchester Cancer Academy
Haematuria – Module 3 – TULA and Flexible Cystoscopy
(Secondary care specific)
External Resources
Cheshire and Mersey Cancer Alliance
Male Urology in Primary Care – The Cancer Academy
NICE Guidance
Urological cancer recognition and referral