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Latest news stories from the Greater Manchester Cancer Alliance.

Check your prostate cancer risk and be aware – new NHS roadshow comes to Greater Manchester


PUBLISHED 30 MARCH 2023:A new NHS mobile ‘clinic in a van’ is set to tour Greater Manchester to talk to men about their risk of prostate cancer. The ThisVanCan roadshow is for black men aged over 45 who are more at risk of developing prostate cancer than other men. 1 in 4 black men will develop prostate cancer in their lifetime. The van is also open to all other men and people with a prostate aged over 45 who have a family history of prostate, breast or ovarian cancer. This means your father or brother has [...]

Check your prostate cancer risk and be aware – new NHS roadshow comes to Greater Manchester2023-10-17T10:20:26+00:00

Trafford bowel cancer survivor backs new NHS Campaign to Urge People To use Their Bowel Cancer Home Testing Kit


People in Greater Manchester, who have been sent a lifesaving home testing kit that can detect early signs of bowel cancer, are being encouraged to use it and return it, as part of a new, first of a kind NHS campaign. The NHS national campaign – which sees adverts across TV, radio and social media, aims to increase uptake of the home testing kit to ensure more people are diagnosed with bowel cancer at the earliest stage, when they’re nine times more likely to survive. The campaign highlights how quick and convenient it is [...]

Trafford bowel cancer survivor backs new NHS Campaign to Urge People To use Their Bowel Cancer Home Testing Kit2023-03-30T12:15:14+00:00

Prostate cancer awareness month – check your risk


March is prostate cancer awareness month. 1 in 4 black men, and 1 in 8 men will get prostate cancer in their lifetime. The risk is higher in men over 50 and those with a family history of prostate cancer.  Prostate Cancer UK has produced an online risk checker, to improve awareness of risk factors and promote early diagnosis. Mr Motivator encourages men to use the Prostate Cancer UK risk checker The Greater Manchester Cancer Alliance has put together a social media campaign to promote risk awareness and direct people to the online risk checker. [...]

Prostate cancer awareness month – check your risk2023-03-01T17:01:25+00:00

New NHS Campaign Urges People To use Their Bowel Cancer Home Testing Kit


Millions of people in England, who have been sent a lifesaving home testing kit that can detect early signs of bowel cancer, are being encouraged to use it and return it, as part of a new, first of a kind NHS campaign. New NHS Campaign urges people to use their bowel cancer home testing kit Launching today across TV, radio, video on demand and social media, the NHS national campaign aims to increase uptake of the home testing kit to ensure more people are diagnosed with bowel cancer at the earliest stage, when they’re nine [...]

New NHS Campaign Urges People To use Their Bowel Cancer Home Testing Kit2023-03-01T09:44:53+00:00

“Go for your cervical screening test – it really could save your life”


Cancer survivor Hayley from Stockport is speaking out about having cervical cancer to raise awareness during Cervical Cancer Prevention Week which runs from 23 to 29 January. Hayley Lewis, a support worker, from Stockport, booked her routine cervical screening test (often known as a ‘smear test’) in January last year after receiving her invite from the NHS. Hayley Lewis from Stockport The busy mum-of-one had initially put the letter to one side. But when a reminder letter came, she booked the appointment. It turned out to be a very important decision. Hayley said: “I had no [...]

“Go for your cervical screening test – it really could save your life”2023-01-26T09:57:48+00:00

Cancer Patient Experience Survey (CPES) 2022


National Cancer Patient Experience Survey 2022 At the NHS, we want our patients to have the best experience possible. With this in mind, continuous patient feedback is really important to helping us deliver what patients want and need. Therefore, the national Cancer Patient Experience Survey (CPES) asks for feedback from cancer patients (16 years and over*), to improve local cancer services across England. The NHS and cancer charities use the results to understand what is working well and which areas need improvement. As a result, the NHS identifies national and local priorities and works with patients and partners to deliver change. [...]

Cancer Patient Experience Survey (CPES) 20222022-12-28T17:54:09+00:00

Manchester volunteers return to help NHS trial new cancer screening test


Hundreds of volunteers from across Hulme are being invited to return to mobile clinics over the coming days for their second appointment as part of the NHS-Galleri trial. Participants will be asked to give another blood sample to help investigate whether a multi-cancer blood screening test can help to detect cancer early before symptoms appear. If successful, the NHS plans to roll out the test to a further one million people across 2024 and 2025. Since the NHS-Galleri trial first arrived in Hulme, Manchester in December 2021 the trial has successfully enrolled over 140,000 volunteers [...]

Manchester volunteers return to help NHS trial new cancer screening test2022-12-19T14:57:19+00:00

1000 health workers in Greater Manchester to get crucial training to support cancer patients


MORE than 1,000 workers currently employed in an Allied Health Professional (AHP) role in Greater Manchester are set to benefit from Allies in Cancer Care training. Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) has awarded a £1.2 million contract to the University of Salford to launch the Allies in Cancer Care training programme, which is part of the three-year Skills for Growth programme and has been made possible through the European Social Fund. The training programme will be delivered by the University of Salford, in collaboration with The Christie School of Oncology, and supported by the Greater Manchester Cancer Alliance with [...]

1000 health workers in Greater Manchester to get crucial training to support cancer patients2022-12-16T17:43:04+00:00

Breast cancer survivor urges those with symptoms to seek help even at Christmas


This Christmas marks 29 years since Carol Bryant, from Glossop, found a lump in her breast which turned out to be breast cancer. Thankfully Carol, who was just 30 at the time, went to her GP on Christmas Eve and went on to have successful treatment. Now the mum-of-two is urging those with symptoms they are worried about to make time for themselves – even during the busy time of Christmas - and to get checked. Breast cancer survivor Carol is encouraging those with symptoms to seek help even at Christmas Carol, now [...]

Breast cancer survivor urges those with symptoms to seek help even at Christmas2022-12-19T15:55:34+00:00

More projects to help patients with cancer are highlighted at the first ever Greater Manchester Cancer Awards


We're shining the spotlight on four more winning teams who have been honoured in the Greater Manchester Cancer Awards. Our awards pay tribute to some of the important work being done by doctors, nurses, healthcare workers and researchers in Greater Manchester to improve lives and treatments for people affected by cancer.  Claire O’Rourke Managing Director of GM Cancer Andy Burnham, Mayor of Greater Manchester, said: “It’s great to see some of the progress being made right here in our city-region. If you look around Greater Manchester, there are some amazing people doing amazing things [...]

More projects to help patients with cancer are highlighted at the first ever Greater Manchester Cancer Awards2022-12-19T15:56:49+00:00
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