March is prostate cancer awareness month. 1 in 4 black men, and 1 in 8 men will get prostate cancer in their lifetime. The risk is higher in men over 50 and those with a family history of prostate cancer.
Prostate Cancer UK has produced an online risk checker, to improve awareness of risk factors and promote early diagnosis.
Mr Motivator encourages men to use the Prostate Cancer UK risk checker
The Greater Manchester Cancer Alliance has put together a social media campaign to promote risk awareness and direct people to the online risk checker.
It includes videos from celebrities including:
- Mr Motivator
- Micah Richard
- Ray Winstone
- Stephen Fry
- Fred McCauley.
There’s also a “Know Your Risk” animation. You can watch all the videos on the Greater Manchester Cancer Alliance You Tube channel.
Dr Sotonye Tolofari, a surgeon who treats prostate cancer and Clinical Lead for Urological Cancers at the Greater Manchester Cancer Alliance, said: “Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men, but most men with early prostate cancer don’t have any symptoms. That’s why this March we are encouraging people to use the Prostate Cancer UK risk checker.”
Later in the year the Alliance will launch a new mobile ‘clinic in a van’ which will visit areas in Greater Manchester to talk to men about their risk of prostate cancer and to provide information about their prostate health. Men can then also choose whether or not to have a free Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) blood test.