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Digital Staff Passports – Information for Staff

cartoon image of lady looking at a smartphoneUsing the Digital Staff Passport, you can hold your own verified staff record (provided by your current employer) which consists of your digital identity, key information about your current job role and your employment checks.

The record will be held in a ‘credential’ in your digital staff passport app on your smartphone, just like a card in your wallet.

You retain control of your record and using an app on your smartphone will enable you to:

  • Review – see all the information your employer has provided about you
  • Accept – accept this information on to your smartphone, once you are happy with it
  • Reject – reject the information, if you are not happy with it, then report anything you feel is incorrect to the Issuer, who can update and resend it for your review
  • Send – share the information you have accepted with another NHS employer

The Digital Staff Passport is for temporary voluntary deployments agreed between the staff members and their line manager; it is not to be used for permanent redeployments.

Staff quote 2

Supporting Resources

Click below to follow the simple process to getting your Digital Staff Passport, and download the supporting toolkit

Jess Docksey, Project Manager, MDT ReformIf you’d like to know more about this work and feel you and your team would benefit from a digital staff passport, please get in touch with Jess Docksey, Workforce & Education Project Manager and Working Group Chair

Contact Jess

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