Health Inequalities Programme Board
What is the Health Inequalities Programme Board (HIPB)?
The HIPB is a group responsible for the oversight of the health inequalities projects undertaken by GM Cancer Alliance. The group meet regularly to ensure the work is of a high standard and is targeting those underserved populations and communities across Greater Manchester.
Implementation Plan
The Implementation Plan is a document used to monitor the progress of health inequalities projects. Below are links to a few of the projects that are being developed or have been completed:
Targeted Lung Health Checks – Past and current smokers aged between 55–74 years old are being invited to have an NHS Lung Health Check. Areas of deprivation and high risk areas were targeted to reduce inequalities. So far 450 patients have been diagnosed with lung cancer as a result of the Lung Health Checks in Greater Manchester, however, almost 80% of these patients were diagnosed at stage 1 or 2 meaning they were more likely to be eligible for curative treatment.
This Van Can – A road show targeting black men and people with a prostate aged over 45 who are at greater risk of getting prostate cancer took place around Greater Manchester to increase PSA testing in people at higher risk of prostate cancer. A proportionate universalism approach highlighted the need to target black men due to their increased risk.
VCSE Grants Project – VCSE organisations were awarded grants of varied amounts to deliver projects aiming to raise awareness of the early signs and symptoms of cancer and identify and understand the barriers people face when receiving a cancer diagnosis.
CRUK: Talk Cancer – GM Cancer Alliance have commissioned Talk Cancer and Train the Presenter sessions from CRUK to train and give confidence to people in their ability to talk about cancer in their communities. For more information or to register, visit the GM Cancer Academy website.
Timely Presentation – GM Cancer Alliance have awarded funding to each of the 10 localities in Greater Manchester to develop communications and engagement projects relating to Timely Presentation. The projects are targeting key areas of inequalities and deprivation within each of the localities.