Discover our plans to achieve world-class cancer outcomes.

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Greater Manchester Cancer Alliance - Plan on a Page

This document sets out Greater Manchester Cancer Alliance’s current work programme and objectives based on NHS England’s Cancer Alliance Planning aims.

A screenshot of the 'Plan on a page' document.

Our Annual Reports

Each year, Greater Manchester Cancer Alliance publishes its annual report to review progress made to cancer services over the previous 12 months.

2022 -23

Our latest report highlights some of the work that has taken place in Greater Manchester over the past year.

Download our 2022-23 Annual Report (opens in a new window).

2020 and 2021

This report covers a two year period: 2020 and 2021. This report details some of the innovation, work and challenges that have taken place throughout the pandemic and beyond.

Download our 2020 and 2021 Annual Report (opens in a new window).


In 2019 the team also produced an additional research report: ‘Research & Innovation’ – to highlight some of the fantastic work taking place in this sector within Greater Manchester.

Download our 2019 Annual Report. 

Download our 2019 Research and Innovation Report. 

Cover of Greater Manchester Cancer Alliance's 2019 Annual Report with various images of the Alliance team at events.   Cover of Greater Manchester Cancer Alliance's 2019 Research and Innovation Report with various images of places in Greater Manchester.

Cover of Greater Manchester Cancer Alliance's 2020 and 2021 Annual Report with branded logo