Workforce Health and Wellbeing

Good wellbeing is when we can be at our best, both at work and home. It is something that is personal to the individual and we all need something different to maintain good wellbeing for ourselves, depending on our circumstances, norms, and behaviours.

Resources for the workforce

We’ve brought together the health and wellbeing resources to help the Greater Manchester Cancer Workforce

GM Workforce Wellbeing Toolkit

The GM Workforce wellbeing toolkit has been produced by Greater Manchester Integrated Care Board for the benefit of our health and care workforce, including colleagues in the NHS and social care, as well as those in the voluntary sector, those delivering health and care services in the private sector and our unwaged workforce too. It is designed with this workforce in mind; however, it is hoped that the toolkit can support anyone navigating the challenges of working during the pandemic.

Mental Health Support

Greater Manchester Integrated Care work to improve the mental health and wellbeing of individuals and their families, supported by resilient communities, inclusive employers and services that maximise independence and choice.

GM Health Hub

The Greater Manchester Health Hub is here to provide you with tips and tools, from stopping smoking to understanding more about how you’re feeling.

Financial Wellbeing

NHS England have provided support and a range of tools to help you. Working in partnership with the MoneyHelper Service they are able to offer an NHS Support Telephone Line, WhatsApp and Live Webchat Service alongside other resources.

GM Resilience Hub

Greater Manchester Resilience Hub provides wellbeing one-to-one telephone support for health and care staff and their families. We also offer team support, this includes but not limited to workshops and facilitated peer support spaces.

View everything that GM Resilience hub has to offer here

Cancer Specific Resources

Answer Cancer is the working name of the Greater Manchester Cancer Screening Engagement Programme. It is a voluntary sector partnership working to improve cancer awareness and increase uptake of cancer screening across Greater Manchester.

Macmillan do whatever it takes to support healthcare professionals and their patients. For more information about how they can help you click here

Beechwood offers free support to those living with a life-limiting illness, and their loved ones. Our specialists provide a range of support from one to one counselling to group sessions, whether you’re at the very beginning of a diagnosis or have finished treatment. If you feel like you need some extra support Beechwood can help.

Resources for you

We’ve provided you with the Manchester specific and national offerings available to staff for your health and wellbeing in and outside of work. Click on any of the buttons below to access the help and support you need