The shortlist has been announced for the first ever Greater Manchester Cancer Awards organised by Greater Manchester Cancer Alliance.
The awards will honour outstanding work to improve lives and treatment for people affected by cancer in Greater Manchester.
A panel of judges – including patient representatives and staff working in cancer from across the city – whittled down around 50 entries to a final shortlist.
A group of women and men sit around a circular table to review the first ever Greater Manchester Cancer Awards
Head judge Miss Susannah Penney, Associate Medical Director at Greater Manchester Cancer Alliance, said:
“These awards really demonstrate all valuable work that is going on across our cancer network.
“They are a chance to celebrate the dedication of staff who go above and beyond every day to improve outcomes and experiences for people affected by cancer in Greater Manchester.
“The standard of entries was very high, and it was a tough job to pick our shortlist!”
The awards were open to teams in NHS, research, voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE), and public health /local authority sectors. This recognises the collaborative approach our teams take in Greater Manchester to work across organisational boundaries to make things better for our patients.
Dr Julie Wray, a former cancer patient and a member of Greater Manchester Cancer Alliance’s User Involvement Team, said:
“I found reading the entries heart-warming and comforting in that so many healthcare staff are deeply passionate to improving cancer care in Greater Manchester. As a patient you are not always aware of what’s going on behind the scenes to improve and advance cancer care. These entries revealed that patients and their family carers are at the heart of Greater Manchester cancer care services.”
The shortlisted entries include:
Outstanding Care Award
- Targeted Lung Health Checks programme by Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust and Manchester and Tameside localities
- Teaching patient and carers to inject chemotherapeutic drugs in the comfort of their own house to enhance quality of life and avoid unnecessary hospital commute and exposure during the pandemic, by the Northern Care Alliance
- One Stop Lung Cancer Clinic Team by GM Cancer Alliance, Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust and The Christie NHS Foundation Trust
Greater Manchester Collaboration Award
- Primary Care Network Collaboration in Early Cancer Diagnosis by GM Cancer and GM Primary Care Networks
- Prehab4Cancer by GM Cancer and GM Active
- National Cancer Clinical Nurse Specialist Day by the CNS Workforce Sub-group.
Commitment to Equality Award
- The ACES LGBTQIA+ Project by The University of Manchester
- Learning Disability Flagging Project by Pennine Bowel Cancer Screening Programme
- Encouraging Inclusivity in Technology Clinical Trials Project by Digital Experimental Cancer Medicine Team, The University of Manchester and The Christie NHS Foundation Trust.
Research Award
- Genito-Urinary Cancer Research Group, The University of Manchester, the Christie NHS Foundation Trust and Salford Royal
- Remote monitoring of cancer patients at high risk of sepsis for earlier intervention and better outcomes; the RECAP study The Christie NHS Foundation Trust and The University of Manchester
- Testing womb cancer for Lynch syndrome: How Manchester-led research changed UK clinical practice by The University of Manchester and Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust.
Educational Impact Award
- Primary Care Fast Facts by GM Cancer and Gateway C
- Making Smoking History in Greater Manchester by Greater Manchester Integrated Care Partnership
- Cancer Awareness for Teens & Twenties – Youth Empowerment Workshops.
Innovation Award
- MyChristie-MyHealth – The Christie’s ePROMs project by the Christie NHS Foundation Trust
- Bloods Closer to Home by the Christie NHS Foundation Trust
- ELECTRIC STUDY by Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust.
Winners will be announced on Tuesday 18 October 2022 at a special invitation-only awards ceremony linked to the Alliance’s Annual Conference. The face-to-face conference is sold out, but tickets can still be booked for the virtual event.
More information is available at