This section contains a range of materials we have available relating to bowel cancer, covering symptom awareness, promotion of screening, and some information for primary care professionals via Gateway-C.
- Bowel Cancer Awareness toolkit from Bowel Cancer UK - can be downloaded from our Google drive
- "Know the Signs" - our bowel cancer symptom awareness animation can be downloaded from our google drive. There is also suggested copy for social media to go with it.
- NHSE Bowel Cancer Screening campaign toolkit available on our google drive
- Case Study - social assets to promote Rogers story can be downloaded from our google drive. Roger talked to us about his diagnosis and treatment for bowel cancer.
- Case Study - social assets to promote Steven's story can be downloaded from our google drive. Steven has a learning disability and talked to us about being supported to take part in bowel screening.
- Bowel Cancer information (from Bowel Cancer Awareness Month 2023) from Gateway C for primary care professionals - download from our google drive.