Judging our Awards

We are looking for a team of people to help us judge the entries for the Greater Manchester Cancer Awards.  We need a mixture of healthcare professionals, researchers, VCSE representatives and Patient / Carer Representatives.

  • You will need to be available for an in-person judging day on 21st March 2024. This will take place at a central venue that is convenient to get to. (details yet to be confirmed).
  • You will be assigned to a team judging one award category. You’ll be provided with printed copies of all the award entries into this category approximately one week before the judging day to allow some reading time. Notes will be provided to help with judging criteria.
  • On the day, your team will be asked to shortlist the entries to three finalists, and to identify the winning entry.
  • All judges will be invited to attend the Awards Ceremony at the Hilton Deansgate, Manchester, on the evening of 14th May 2024.

If you are interested in taking part, please complete the form below:

Patients' Choice Award winners Prehab4Cancer and the One Stop Lung Cancer Clinic

Patient and Carer Rep judges Julie Wray and Brian Stott (back row, 5th and 6th from left) with winners of the Patients Choice award at our last awards ceremony in October 2022.

About You

Please check the box below if you are a Patient / Carer Rep. We do not need your job title or organisation if this is the case.

Are you a Patient Carer Representative? *

Your Contact Details

About You